

Exam information and useful resources


Preparing for examinations is a crucial and integral part of school life. Year 11 exams are the gateway to the future for our students. Therefore, it is our responsibility to ensure that we provide every opportunity for success and all students are prepared to reach their full potential.

Our aim is that the examination process is as clear and straightforward as possible by providing both parents and students with up-to-date information, so they feel fully informed and prepared for the examination process.

This section outlines details regarding the exam boards we use for our subjects as well as relevant information from the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) on exam procedure and expectations.

You will also find information regarding our internal exams, which we call Pre-Public Examinations, or PPEs.

If you require any further information, please contact our Exams Officer聽 聽 聽 Mrs. L. Durnall at 濒诲耻谤苍补濒濒蔼别补谤濒蝉.诲耻诲濒别测.蝉肠丑.耻办听