
Home Learning

Supporting your home education

RM Unify

All the different websites and software we use with students can be accessed via RM Unify, our single sign-on platform. By logging on to RM Unify, students can access their email, Microsoft Office suite, saved documents, Teams and other learning platforms at school or from home. 

Why is home learning important?

At The ÐÓ°ÉÔ­´´we believe that self-regulation and independence in learning are important skills for our students to develop, and this underpins our approach to home learning. The ability to think and work independently is vital for any young person entering the workplace, and by setting homework, we support our students in learning how to organise themselves to meet deadlines, to be resourceful in finding information and to complete work without adult supervision.

How will homework be set?

We use Class Charts to set homework. This allows students and parents to see a list of the tasks set, when they are due and any additional resources provided. Parents will be able to monitor the completion of tasks and support students in managing their homework.

How much homework will be set?

As a guide, students should expect to complete the following homework.

Year Group How often? How much? Deadline
7 & 8 Once a fortnight 15-30 minutes At least 1 week
9 Once a week 30 minutes At least 1 week
10 & 11 As appropriate 45-90 minutes At least 2 days

Core subjects may set more frequently in Years 7 & 8.

In addition, students are encouraged to read regularly at home, and particularly at KS4, should revisit topics studied in school, revising key knowledge and skills.

What sort of tasks will be set?

  • Practise – this is an opportunity to practise knowledge and skills that have been previously taught or modelled in lessons. Often, this will be a self-marking quiz / online platform task. The majority of homework will fall in to this category.
  • Prepare – this might take the form of pre-study, researching information or finding resources that will directly support the learning in the coming lessons.
  • Revise – this is specific preparation for an upcoming test or assessment, focusing on the retrieval and application of previously-learned information.
  • Extend– this may be a more creative task, where there is a choice in how to complete it. It could also provide the opportunity to delve deeper into a topic.

How will students receive feedback?

As in lessons, teachers will use a variety of methods to give students feedback on their work. This could include:

    • Self-assessment
    • Peer-assessment
    • Whole-class verbal feedback / discussion
    • The use of rubrics / success criteria
    • Self-marking learning platforms / quizzes
    • Achievement points

What support is available for students?

Homework Club is available after school to all students, where they can receive support from staff and access computers and printers. Anyone can attend Homework Club, regularly or as a one-off. 

Homework Club will run on Monday to Thursday until 4pm and staff will be on hand to support students with their homework if needed. For Year 7, 8 and 9 Homework Club will be in the Library and for Year 10 and 11 it will be in B15. It is available to all students on a drop-in basis.

Students can also speak to their subject teacher about a particular task, or their form tutor or Year Co-Ordinator for support in organising and managing homework schedules.

To help our students develop excellent habits around homework, we ask that parents:

  • Ensure that students have a quiet place to work and appropriate resources.
  • Support students with organisation – keeping school books and equipment in one place, with a copy of their timetable on the wall.
  • Provide students with encouragement to do homework even when the going gets tough and the homework is challenging. You could suggest that they check through books, ask a friend, look at Class Chars or search for help online.
  • Avoid doing the homework for students, so that teachers can see what they can do independently.
  • Monitor stress levels. Reassure students that they might not get everything right first time, but that they are expected to try their best.
  • Support the school in requiring students to ‘catch up’ any incomplete / missed homework in their own time, or working with staff after school.

This gives some more tips.

We expect our students to:

  • Look at Class Charts every day.
  • Get into a routine for completing homework, that fits alongside family and other commitments.
  • Complete homework to the best of their ability and keep going even when the work is challenging. 
  • Submit homework via Class Charts or bring it to school (as required by their teacher) on or before the deadline day.
  • Catch up on homework if they have been absent.  
  • Discuss with their teachers any problems they encounter before the deadline.

Remote learning during the Covid-19 pandemic

Work will be set for individual students in Years 7-9 who are self-isolating on our school website here. Students in Years 10 and 11 will have work set on Microsoft Teams.

Where whole classes or year groups are asked to isolate, we will supplement this provision with a live lesson timetable. Further information will be sent home in this event.


ICT Support

Password and login reset information will be sent to the primary parental email address we have on file.