
Rewarding achievement

Recognising hard work in lessons & beyond

A big part of our ethos is to ensure that all students at The ÐÓ°ÉÔ­´´ are recognised for their hard work in lessons and beyond. It is important that students aim high each day knowing that, as a school, we are supporting them every step of the way. We are delighted to offer rewards that identify students’ hard work and diligence.

Individual Achievement Points, alongside those issued for form groups, recognise our values of Excellence, Care and Partnership in lessons and other areas of school life, and for participation in house and school events. Students will be rewarded with house points, text messages to parents, flashes for their jumper and postcards. These are logged as Achievement Points which can be seen by parents and students on the School Gateway App.

Rising Star and Fabulous Form awards allow students to be recognised collectively as well as individually at any point in a school year. Our Care & Partnership award identifies those students who have shown leadership within school or the wider community. Students who achieve these awards receive certificates and are publicly recognised in half-termly achievement assemblies, and Heads of Year regularly update student recognition displays.

Our most prestigious award is the ÐÓ°ÉÔ­´´Gold Award. Students achieve this award if they demonstrate all-round excellence in attendance, reading, attitude to learning, commitment to the community, improving their health and developing their cultural awareness.

Each year we hold a Presentation Evening which recognises outstanding student contributions across the year.